Investing In The Future
NOLAA Scholarship Guidelines
Applicants must be of Lebanese descent. They must be 2018 graduates of an accredited
secondary school and must be accepted by an accredited post secondary educational
institution (four-year College, two-year College or a technical school).
NOLAA will award three scholarships of $1,000.00 as non-renewable awards based on
academic achievement, extra-curricular involvement, and service to school, church,
community, and financial need.
All scholarship application materials must be received NO LATER THAN Month - Date - Year
Recipients will be notified by Month - Date - Year and disbursement of funds will be made upon
Receipt of an “official” schedule of classes.
The scholarship application materials include:
1- Completed Application Form (See below)
2- Official High School Transcript, preferred with all standardized test scores including
all ACT and/or SAT scores.
3- One letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor or administrator.
4- Optional – If you would like to be considered for a “Needs-Based” Scholarship,
please include a copy of your FAFSA determination indicating your EFC.
Scholarships will be awarded based on the recommendations
of an independent advisory committee
An application is considered complete ONLY when all of these materials are received.